Consulting Project Value Assessment Framework

CategoryQuestionDescriptionTypical RangeNotes
Intangible BenefitsWhat non-quantifiable benefits will the client receive?Consider reputation boost, knowledge transfer, employee satisfaction improvements, etc.10-30% of total project valueHigher for prestigious clients or innovative projects
How will this project impact the client's long-term capabilities?Assess improvements in processes, skills, or strategic positioning5-15% of total project valueHigher for transformational projects
What networking or future opportunities might this project create?Consider introductions, market access, or potential for future projects5-10% of total project valueHigher for new market entry or high-profile projects
Tangible ValueWhat measurable financial benefits will the client receive?Calculate ROI, cost savings, revenue increases, etc.100-300% of project costHigher for cost-cutting or revenue-generating projects
How quickly will the client see these benefits?Assess the timeline for realizing tangible outcomesN/AFaster realization may justify higher pricing
What risks are being mitigated for the client?Quantify potential losses or setbacks being avoided50-150% of potential lossHigher for high-risk environments or critical projects
Target PriceWhat is the market rate for similar services?Research competitor pricing and industry standardsVaries by industry and project scopeUse as a baseline, not a ceiling
What is the client's budget range?Understand the client's financial constraints and expectationsN/ABalance between client budget and project value
How does this price position us in the market?Consider how pricing affects perception of quality and expertiseN/APremium pricing can signal higher value
Additional Value (Consultant)What unique expertise or resources are we bringing?Identify specialized skills, proprietary tools, or exclusive data10-30% premium over standard ratesHigher for niche expertise or unique methodologies
How does this project enhance our portfolio or capabilities?Assess the strategic value of the project for the consulting firm5-15% of project valueHigher for projects in emerging fields or with new technologies
What efficiencies can we leverage from past experiences?Consider reusable assets, established processes, or team expertise10-20% cost reductionCan be used to increase margins or offer competitive pricing
Additional Value (Client)What secondary benefits might the client receive?Identify spillover effects, such as improved vendor relationships or enhanced market knowledge10-25% of primary project valueHigher for projects with broad organizational impact
How might this project open new opportunities for the client?Consider potential for new products, markets, or business models15-30% of project valueHigher for strategic or innovative projects
What internal capabilities will be developed as a by-product?Assess skills or knowledge transfer that extends beyond the project scope5-15% of project valueHigher for projects involving significant client team involvement
Potential OverpaymentAt what point would the client perceive the price as too high?Identify the threshold where value perception diminishes120-150% of target priceVaries based on client sophistication and project criticality
What alternatives does the client have?Assess in-house options, competitors, or doing nothingN/AFewer alternatives may increase acceptable price range
How price-sensitive is this particular client or industry?Understand the client's historical spending patterns and industry normsN/ALess sensitive clients may have higher overpayment thresholds


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