The Trillion-Dollar Coach's 5-Word Meeting Hack

The Trillion-Dollar Coach's 5-Word Meeting Hack

The Trillion-Dollar Coach's 5-Word Meeting Hack


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Who Was Bill Campbell?

Before we dive into the technique, let's take a moment to understand who Bill Campbell was and why his methods carry so much weight.

Bill Campbell portrait

Bill Campbell, the "Trillion-Dollar Coach"

Bill Campbell, often referred to as the "Trillion-Dollar Coach," was a behind-the-scenes mentor to some of Silicon Valley's most successful executives. His roster of mentees included:

  • Steve Jobs (Apple)
  • Larry Page and Sergey Brin (Google)
  • Jeff Bezos (Amazon)
  • Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook)

Campbell's influence was so profound that the collective value of the companies he advised exceeded a trillion dollars, hence his nickname.

The 5-Word Meeting Hack Explained

So, what exactly is this 5-word meeting hack? Here's how it works:

  1. Preparation: At the start of the meeting, provide each participant with a marker and access to a whiteboard or large piece of paper.

  2. Individual Reflection: Ask everyone to write down the five most important words related to the meeting's topic or objective. This should be done individually and without discussion.

  3. Reveal: Once everyone has written their words, have each person share their list with the group.

  4. Discuss and Align: Compare the words chosen by different participants. This is where the magic happens – you'll quickly see areas of alignment and misalignment.

  5. Prioritize: Use the revealed words as a starting point to discuss priorities and ensure everyone is on the same page.

Why It Works

This technique is effective for several reasons:

  • Forced Prioritisation: Limiting to just five words forces participants to really think about what's most important.
  • Reveals Misalignment: Different words chosen by team members can quickly highlight areas where the team is not aligned.
  • Efficient Communication: It cuts through lengthy explanations and gets to the core of what matters.
  • Equal Participation: It gives everyone an equal voice, regardless of their position or tendency to dominate conversations.

Implementing the Technique in Your Meetings

Here's how you can start using this technique in your own meetings:

  1. Introduce the Concept: Explain the technique at the start of the meeting and its purpose.
  2. Set Clear Parameters: Define what the five words should relate to (e.g., project goals, company values, product features).
  3. Provide Time: Give participants 2-3 minutes to think and write their words.
  4. Facilitate Discussion: As words are shared, encourage open discussion about why certain words were chosen.
  5. Document Outcomes: Capture the key insights and decisions that come from the discussion.

Real-World Example

Let's say you're having a meeting about a new product launch. Here's how different team members might approach the 5-word exercise:

  • Marketing Manager: "Innovative, User-friendly, Affordable, Social, Eco-friendly"
  • Product Manager: "Fast, Reliable, Scalable, Intuitive, Profitable"
  • Sales Lead: "Competitive, Value, Solutions, Partnership, Growth"

Immediately, you can see potential areas of misalignment. The marketing manager is focused on user perception and social impact, while the product manager is more concerned with technical aspects and profitability. The sales lead, meanwhile, is thinking about how to position the product in the market.

This revelation can spark a productive discussion about priorities and ensure that all aspects are considered in the product launch strategy.


As you implement this technique in your own meetings, remember that the real value comes not just from the words themselves, but from the discussions they spark. Use this as a launching pad for deeper, more focused conversations that drive your team and organization forward.

5 words trillion dollar coach meeting

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