A company that is betting big on AI paying humans to do work!?

A company that is betting big on AI paying humans to do work!?

A company that is betting big on AI paying humans to do work!?


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I saw this tweet a couple of weeks ago

So the tweet is saying that an AI agent is now posting on job boards to get humans to help it with tasks.

Digging deeper into this, it seems that Payman is a new company that has just launched that is betting big on a future where humans and AI agents work together to get tasks done.

Paymans Website

The tweet below shows the way they are training these agents.

Zooming out a bit, I suppose is it any different to doing a job on Fiverr or Upwork? At the end of the day you have no interaction with the people and it is all done through a platform?

Either way it will be interesting to watch this space and see how it develops.

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