The AHA moment

The AHA moment

The AHA moment


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Chris Dunlop

Unlocking Growth: The AHA Moment in Software

As a CEO with a new product, understanding the AHA moment is crucial for driving user adoption and growth. This guide will help you identify, measure, and optimise this pivotal experience.

What is the AHA Moment?

The AHA moment is when users realise the core value of your product. It's the instant they think, "This is exactly what I need." Let's look at three examples:


AHA Moment: First file sync across devices

Dropbox phone showing first conversation grouped by category

Dropbox's AHA moment hits when you first access your file on a different device without any hassle. Suddenly, you realise you're free from USB sticks and emailing files to yourself.

Your documents are just there, wherever you are. Dropbox optimised for this by ensuring lightning-fast syncing and clear visual cues when files update.

They streamlined installation across devices, making it effortless to experience this liberating moment of seamless access.


AHA Moment: First real-time team communication

Slack phone showing first conversation grouped by category

Sidenote - Slacks media kit has all of their screenshots in Italian!

Slack's AHA moment strikes when you get an instant response from a colleague, and you grasp how much time you'll save compared to email.

You see conversations neatly organised, searchable, and happening in real-time.

Slack phone showing first conversation

To accelerate this epiphany, Slack prompts new users to create topic-specific channels immediately and sends notifications for quick responses. They showcase integrations upfront, helping you envision Slack as your central productivity hub.


AHA Moment: First successful booking

Airbnb phone showing the xman house

Airbnb's AHA moment comes when you book a unique place to stay that's both cheaper than a hotel and more exciting.

You realise you can travel like a local, anywhere in the world. To optimise this experience, Airbnb refined their search to showcase diverse, appealing listings tailored to your preferences.

Airbnb House in the Musee D'Orsay

The above house is actually a real house on Airbnb - it's in the Musee D'Orsay in Paris!

They introduced 'Instant Book' for spontaneous travellers and implemented a user-friendly review system to build trust. Airbnb also incentivised hosts to respond quickly and maintain high standards, ensuring your first booking delivers on the promise of unique, accessible travel experiences.

Why It Matters

Users who reach the AHA moment are more likely to:

  1. Convert from free to paid plans
  2. Become long-term, loyal customers
  3. Recommend your product to others

Example - Identifying Your AHA Moment

Let's work through an example. Here's how you can pinpoint your AHA moment:

So I need help on my garden. I'm not sure what plants to put where, and I'm not great at remembering to water them. I download your app, GardenVision, to help me plan and care for my garden.

Airbnb House in the Musee D'Orsay

"GardenVision" - An AI-powered augmented reality app for garden planning and plant care.

Step 1. Understand Your Core Value

What problem does your product solve?

GardenVision solves the frustration of failed gardening attempts and wasted resources. It uses augmented reality to show users exactly how their garden will look with different plants, and AI to provide personalised care instructions based on local climate, soil conditions, and real-time weather data.

Aha Moments with GardenVision

1. "My exact garden!" After scanning their garden with the app, users realise they can view a highly accurate, real-time model of their garden space through augmented reality, instantly making their ideas tangible.

2. "I didn’t know my soil was that important!" The moment the app customises plant recommendations based on soil type, users suddenly grasp how critical soil conditions are to their garden's success.

3. "I can avoid future gardening disasters!" When the app proactively warns of upcoming weather conditions like frost or heavy rain, users realise it can help them prevent plant losses before it's too late.

4. "Look how much I’ve grown!" Weeks later, the app shows a side-by-side comparison of their original garden and the transformed version, filling users with pride and amazement at the progress they've made.

The AHA moment diagram in software development showing the flow from start to finish

Anything you can do to move friction out of the flow, do it
Alex Schultz - Head of Growth - Meta
Alex Schultz - Head of Growth - Meta

Measuring the AHA Moment

  • Time to value: The duration between a user signing up and experiencing the app's core benefit. For GardenVision, this could be the time from registration to creating their first virtual garden layout.

  • Activation rate: The percentage of new users who complete key actions that lead to long-term engagement. This might be the proportion of users who use the AR feature to place at least five plants in their virtual garden within the first week.

  • Feature adoption rate: The percentage of users regularly using specific features. For GardenVision, we might track how many users consistently use the "Time Travel" mode to visualize their garden's growth over time.

Optimising for the AHA Moment

  1. Streamline Onboarding
    • Minimise steps to core value - so in our case the app should be able to scan the garden and provide plant recommendations quickly.

Case Study: Spotify

Spotify identified their AHA moment as when users create their first playlist. They optimised by:

  1. Suggesting popular playlists during onboarding
  2. Making playlist creation prominent in the UI
  3. Offering personalised song recommendations

Remember, the AHA moment is unique to your product. Continuously experiment and refine your approach to maximise its impact on user growth and retention.

Free resource

In order to help you find your AHA moment for your business or product, I have created a custom GPT prompt that you can use to help you brainstorm and identify your AHA moment.

I always enjoy how you share your results on the emails, it really helps to see how these prompts are being used in the real world.

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