No Internal AI Tool? Your Company is Already Behind

No Internal AI Tool? Your Company is Already Behind

No Internal AI Tool? Your Company is Already Behind


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You should probably listen to Esther.

She's the director of product at Meta, here's what she had to say recently.

Let that sink in. It's not about planning for the future anymore. The future is here, and it's powered by AI.

Down the thread she goes on to explain some of the key use cases:

What You're Missing

Meta's internal AI, Metamate, isn't just a fancy tech toy. It's a powerhouse that's revolutionizing how one of the world's largest tech companies operates. Here's what you're missing out on:

  • Instant document summarization
  • Efficient work recaps
  • Lightning-fast information retrieval across vast databases
  • Advanced data analysis and visualization
  • Automated performance review assistance
  • Code analysis and task management
  • Complex calculations at the speed of thought
  • Real-time project status updates
  • On-the-fly query creation

I've noticed that there is strange contrast between what the tech leaders of Silicon Valley are saying and what the average business leaders are talking about.

AI is somehow making business leaders more risk averse, there is no experimentation and almost a reaction against innovation.

Yet Silicon Valley is doubling down and pushing further and further ahead.

So here's what to do if you're one of those companies that doesn't have an internal AI tool yet:

So you are behind? Here's What To Do:

  • Acknowledge the Gap: Accept that you're behind. It's the first step to catching up.

  • Act with Urgency: This isn't a "nice to have." It's a "must have, yesterday."

  • Allocate Resources: Redirect funds if necessary. This is a critical investment.

  • Seek Expertise: You need AI specialists on your team now. Hire them, partner with them, whatever it takes.

  • Start Immediately: Begin with off-the-shelf solutions if you must, but start integrating AI into your operations today.

To sum up how other staff at Meta feel about it?

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Seriously, let's get this show on the road.

Cub think tank Postage stamp showing the future

Cub think tank Postage stamp showing a company falling behind

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