Flexport - Y Combinator Office Hours

Flexport - Y Combinator Office Hours


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This video is the start of a journey

Watch it from 19.29 where Paul Graham and Sam Altman are talking to Ryan Petersen, the founder of Flexport. I enjoy watching their back and forward and just their quickfire questioning. It is also interesting as this guy clearly knows a lot about the industry.

Some insights into the current valuation even if the valuation is 80% less than it was its still a billion dollar business within 10 years.

On Estimating Market Size

So how much do you think the thing could make once it launches?
Paul Graham
Paul Graham
If we took 1% of the market, 30 million
Ryan Petersen
Ryan Petersen

Just cool here as the market and the business grew far beyond this amount.

My last company had a lot of sales guys and it wasn't that fun to manage them.
Ryan Petersen
Ryan Petersen
Things that aren't fun are still sometimes worth doing
Sam altman
Sam altman

I love the intensity at which Sam Altman is listening throughout this interview.

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